Mar 9, 2010

I'm In Love

This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Sprint

Last October (2009) I became part of an incredible opportunity (and relationship). I acquired a "best friend" and engaged in a journey of friendship, love and laughter!

Meet my best friend, Sprint 3G/4G USB Modem U300!

I have lugged the U300 with me EVERYWHERE. It has WiMax capabilities and is SO easy to install, even I could do it!

YES, ME! I just learned how to click, copy and paste last year - so, this is stupendously easy and an incredibly smart piece of technology.

Because I am the mom of a teen, I spend at least 5 hours per week in what I refer to as Terrorizing Teen Transitioning - meaning I am in limbo awaiting the next "pickup", the next "drop-off", or I am simply sucking air for hours before the next game, practice or while they "hang".

Thanks to this lovely device, I was able to use ALL of that down time to TWEET, BLOG, BLOGHER, check bills and or submerge myself gleefully into other necessities - like online shopping.

This modem has allowed me to occupy my time, use my time effectively, and temper my thoughts for blog posts.

It is a must add that I feel the advantage of online safety when using my "Best Friend" as opposed to when using free Wi-Fi. While I am quite sure that wi-fi is perfectly safe, I prefer having my own secure connection, not to mention the convenience. It makes using U300 in coffee houses and in the car the best choice.

I have been so pleased and so fulfilled that I am planning our wedding (sorry honey). Marry the U300? Well, yes, because I am really feeling that I can not live without my "Uie". I am truly devoted and married to it. Yep, I am.

My U300 is reliable, trustworthy and adapts to any environment.

So, stay tuned for the announcement of our date this summer ~ (okay, I'm kidding - or maybe I'm not.)

In the meantime, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT stating how you see the speed of the Sprint Now Network™ keeping you connected and organized? And also give an idea as to what you will wear to our wedding!!!

The Prize? One $300 Visa Gift Card

Check out the OTHER BLOGHER REVIEWS for 6 additional chances to win the $300 Visa gift cards! Simply commenting with the other reviewers at special offers page increases your chances to win!

Sprint’s March Sweeps/program dates run: 3/9-3/31/2009 AND NOW COMMENTING IS CLOSED!


The Official Rules for the Sweepstakes are here!


1 – 200 of 218   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

I think the speed of the Sprint Now Network would afford me the luxury of completing and submitting projects for work at my convenience. A smart phone doesn't satisfy my needs as a freelancer, but this allows me to be connected anywhere, and at the same time have full access to my laptop. Sounds like a godsend!

Go Green Think Health said...

This would be great at the airport while waiting for your flight. With all the delays today.. Also a lot of hotels charge for internet access. Most important is I could run my home business this summer pool side without having to run inside to check my computer. I can accomplish a lot more while working on my tan.

kasey said...

It would keep me connected by giving me a way to always stay in touch - and organized because I could have all of my important info right there with me all the time, and I could make changes right away.
kasey19062 AT aol DOT com

(I am the worst at figuring out what to wear to weddings!!!)

Angelica Bays, said...

Oh, are you kidding? My kids go to school 15 miles away from home! I need to be connected while I'm on the fly!

Vanessa said...

This would keep me connected by allowing me to have all my info with me wherever I go. Internet, phone contacts, tv, etc. This would be a dream come true!

Thanks! :)

*Tanyetta* said...

The speed of the sprint now network would keep me connected to family and friends especially while my family and i are on our weekend trips we will be able to send photos and exchange emails in an instant.

Ms. Anita said...

Sprint Now's speed would help keep me organized and connected by helping me stay in touch with my friends and family who live halfway across the country. And, to your wedding... I'd probably wear my purple dress. :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Jennae said...

This would be a literal lifeline for me! I feel like I'm tethered to my house more often than not because I can't work while I'm out. I have to take my daughter to frequent doctor's appointments, which generally requires taking the whole day off. It would be nice to be able to connect to the Sprint Now Network without having to hope that the hospital WiFi will be cooperative. So much of our time during those visits is spent waiting and letting her color or watch TV, and I feel like I could be getting so much done! And although I'm not traveling much these days, the idea of never having to pay for airport or hotel WiFi definitely makes me happy!

Mami2jcn said...

The speed of the Now Network from Spring would help me stay in touch with our relatives who live in various parts of the country.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Marianna said...

I have a beautiful turquoise and black swing dress that would be perfect for a wedding!
The Sprint Now network would be so convenient! We spend every other weekend at the in-laws house on the lake and they have NO internet access at all - not even dial up! It drives me nuts and I feel so "out of the loop" just being away from my email for a few days! LOL
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

This would be awesome to stay connected to friends and family when I travel for work or school! I'd love to use the power of the Sprint Now Network to use social networking, and emails, all from on the go. it's so important to stay "connected" to those that we love, and anything that helps do that, is great in my book!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Jenny B said...

this would be great for when we travel to see family that have NO way to have internet since they live in the middle of no where!

Jenny B

jennyhasquads (at) yahoodotcom

Linda Stewart said...

This would keep me from having to always run to the office and check in on my days off. I could spend that time doing family stuff instead of work stuff 'off the clock!"

wigget said...

i would be able to update pics and vids of the kids instantly to show them off to friends and family. as for the wedding, probably black pants and a maroon top.

Anonymous said...

I would be able to work on the internet any where in my appartment at school.

Anonymous said...

As an elementary school teacher and someone who still uses an “old fashioned” desk calendar and planning book, I couldn’t think of anything more useful! To have the ability to have all my information for meetings, parent contacts, school calendar, student birthdays, lesson plans and personal appointments along with the ability to have the information travel with me from home to the classroom would be amazingly helpful. The ability to have a camera to capture a “special” moment in the classroom would also be exciting. The possibilities are endless!!!

bsadler (AT) wideopenwest (DOT) com

Unknown said...

This would keep me connected by allowing me to have all my info with me wherever I go and stay connected to all my social networking sites.

I would wear a pretty pink dress to your wedding! Congrats!

mar said...

I see the speed of the Sprint Now Network keeping me organized and connected by letting me access my e-mails fast!

Roblyn and Alan said...

The speed would let me multitask like crazy. I could online shop and check emails and tweet...very easily.

And for that summer wedding...something pink and chiffon. LOL!

roblyn66 at yahoo dot com

kitkat234 said...

This would be great to use anytime anywhere because I live in a rural area with limited internet!
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

ambryt said...

Will help me stay in touch with family and friends

Anonymous said...

I would use it while walking, that way I could keep up with my baseball and football scores and won't feel so bad that I am missing the game. Plus I could use it while my sister and I are out for our weekly rides and getting lost to get directions
And I have a pretty little sundress with great strappy sandals that I love and is just dressy enough for a wedding

Anonymous said...

I think the speed of the Sprint network would allow me to be answering email and catching up on the news at the same time.
Wearing to your wedding? I don't think I'm invited to your wedding!
sweetscove at gmail dot com

Amber said...

This would keep me connected when I'm on the subway! Am I invited to your wedding? I Would wear a pretty cocktail dress in light blue.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Kelly said...

I would love to have high speed Internet while on the go!

redfuzzycow said...

this would be awesome to be able to work on my train commute everyday

Unknown said...

How great would it be to be able to check your email on the go! I am always on the go!

ewalsh40 said...

For work I'm traveling between three clinics.

Having the ability to access the internet on my own secure connection, would mean that I control my passwords, with no chance of anyone else having access.

They never update virus software on a regular basis unfortunately.

JACLYN said...

This would be awesome for the my husband to use on breaks at work!

mverno said...

no matter where i'n at most everything is there for me immediately denim and leather

Mysharona said...

Since I’m never home, it would allow people to keep in touch with me and allow me to stay connected through email and internet.

plhill2000 said...

I would love this during track meet season. The meets last all day even if your child is in one event. It would give me something to do,also at the doctor's office,

Bookish in a Box said...

The Spring Now Network would be great for updating my mobile calendar and checking email on the go.

whatinabox at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Using this in dead spots would be like a life line for me. For your wedding, can I wear my PJs.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

How wouldn't this make my life easier? I would so use this at the allergist waiting, in the car line, to be more efficient in all aspects, but reconnecting with email, making appts, paying my bills. Fantastic giveaway-thank you Sprint!!!!!!!!!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I would love to see if this works and helps

dbvader said...

The speed of the Now Network from Sprint would help keep me organized and connected by helping me stay in touch with my friends and family who live halfway across the country.

Kiara said...

The speed of the Now Network from Spring would help me stay in touch with my family and friends.


would be able to stay connected with friends and family as well as work here and there

Stephanie said...

while on my business trips!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Chip said...

We have WiFi in our house, but I can't get it in our bedroom for some reason. This would help be lazy some evenings and let me surf the net.


jemscout425 said...

This would really help while traveling because i hate lugging my laptop around.

jzagarjr said...

I could have access to the internet when I'm not home. Right now, my phone doesn't even take pictures. I could share pictures and email friends and family using the Sprint network, which would be great!

sodahoney said...

I absolutely rely on my phone. It is my calendar, alarm clock, GPS,email connection, camera on and on.

Anonymous said...

i'd use it to be able to call my kids no matter where i'm at -- and of course red, it's good to stand out at a wedding!

autumn398 @

TheresaJenkins said...

this would be just right for my snowbird parent to keep in touch..thanks

elizabeth p said...

This would allow my husband the freedom to travel as he needs to for school and doctors appointments while still being available. I am queenesperfect at

Genny said...

My campus has terrible WiFi so I would definitely use this there every single day!

contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Brian D. said...

We live in the country with no cable, high-speed or WiFi and satellite is way too expensive. We need connected or we might as well be on an island.

Karen P said...

It would allow me to multitask more effectively since I dont have wifi yet.

anonymous78 said...

I have a busy schedule being a full time student and full time mom, high speed mobile internet access would keep me connected and organized by keeping my calendar and deadlines with me at all times!

ouroboro2000 at gmail dot com

PS: David's Bridal has some beautiful wedding dresses!

anonymous78 said...

Oops, you asked what I'd wear to the wedding..I have a stunning black evening gown I'd wear. ;) Black because being chained to a desk/ wifi hotspot is dead! Wahoo!

sweepmom said...

I never bring my laptop with me when I travel because I am not sure if I will be able to get service. With this, I would bring it with me and stay connected everywhere I go which would leave me less work when I get back home.

Anonymous said...

I like that the Moment has a notification bar that runs along the top and when you get a new email or other notification, it will sit up there. From any screen on the phone, you can swipe down from that notification bar and it will show you any missed calls, and what unread messages you have. I also like the fact that it pulls in your entire contact list from your Google/Gmail account.


julis55 said...

I never bring my laptop with me when I travel because I am not sure if I will be able to get service. With this, I would bring it with me and stay connected everywhere I go which would leave me less work when I get back home

Heather said...

It would keep me connected and organized because I would always have my web based calendar available to easily add things! Especially when making appointments and play dates! I am picturing wi-fi at the park especially!

buzzd said...

The speed would help me stay connected with emails and my calendar. I would wear a simple blue dress to the wedding.

kdkdkd said...

It would help me stay on top of my email and etsy shop while out and about with the kids all day. And I am the last person to give fashion advice - sorry LOL

Kelly said...

The Sprint modem and network would allow me to stay connected on the go, which is all the time. Accessing emails is the most common thing. But Wyoming is a very rural state. This would allow me to access recipes for the night's dinner, check my social network sites and even access maps and directions! As for the wedding, a simple summery dress should do~

Unknown said...

I am always waiting for someone or something. And I admit that I am not the most patient person. I would love to be connected while I wait at the airport, the bank, the doctor's office, or picking up family. To be connected to email, Pandora, maps would be terrific and calming and a great use of time for an impatient person like me.

Unknown said...

I'd finally be able to entertain myself by checking email / browsing web on my phone while the kids play at the playground or library. Ah, to be connected with Sprint!

by the way, my captcha code word verification word is sperm.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have all of my info right with me everywhere I go. I'd wear a lovely silk dress with a flower in my hair.

Ellie Wright said...

This would allow me to stay connected to the outside world, and friends and family, during an upcoming hospital stay.

To your wedding I would enjoy getting dressed up in a beautiful flowery dress as I don't get many chances to dress up these days.

eswright18 at

marelsa said...

I love dressing up for weddings there are so few places to go that still require dressy things

Michele said...

This would give me time and help me get stay connected on the go. :)

debiwelbon said...

It would be nice to have all my info needed at my fingertips and also be able to listen to music on it while I am walking

Holly B said...

The speed sounds great, my current phone doesn't have any net capability so anything is an upgrade for me!

sphinx63 said...

It would help keep me connected, because right now my phone has none of these capabilities. It would be great to be able to get online anywhere. Thanks!

sphinxcw at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My husband is in the hospital this
would help me by letting me keep
in touch with our family and friends to let them know how he
is doing. Thanks
Cathy Truman
I would wear an pretty peach summer
dress to the wedding.

Unknown said...

This would help me keep in touch with my 3 teenagers who need to be picked up and dropped off all the time

Unknown said...

I have two close family members with health issues this year, this would let me keep everyone updated at doctors offices and look up information at the drop of a hat

I would wear something fun and flowery

iluv2blog said...

I think the speed would help me while I wait in the doctor's office, sometimes it seems like I'm there ALL DAY!

lisa said...

I think this is great, i will use it everywhere i go so that i can stay connected to my family.

Anonymous said...

I would use this everywhere. I am seriously one of those 'research' people that whenever they have a question or weird fact they want to know they look it up and this would really help look it up right then!! And I would be able to share that info with friends and family! Obviously this would save a lot of time and pondering, haha.

Anonymous said...

The speed of the Now Network from Sprint would help so much. I am a mom of 2 young boys 3 & 6 & I work full-time plus as an administrator over 2 care facilities. Not only am I out and about running around with my boys appointments and schedules alot, but so is true of my job as an Administrator. How the speed of the Now Network from Sprint would help me is that it basically would allow me to access my internet to keep up-to-date on work issues and family issues via my Email from anywhere that I am at. I'd also be able to access my internet for things like mapquesting a location I need to go to or looking up a product online that I need for my kids or for the care home & keep up on news and current events (as the internet is my main source of news). I'd be able to Tweet no matter where I am at (I love Twitter). I'd be able to take pics and share them quickly with friends and family. I'd be able to utilize my calendar& have it synched between computers & send a message to others to put it on their calendar. For me, it seems like there is never enough time in a day to do all that I want to get done, but with the Now Network from Sprint, I'd be able to get more done and utilize my time more efficiently, be more organized and stay in touch with others.

As far as what to wear to your wedding, my black & white floral print dress.

Unknown said...

Gee, congratulations! I'd wear a little black dress.
Oh, yeah..I travel for work, Sprint could really help me.

Jennifer C. said...

The Sprint Network could help me stay connected to my clients and job while I am at home, instead of in the office!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

llinda29 said...

I would use the Sprint Overdrive to keep connected with friends and organizedwith the info
On my wedding night I wore a short white dress

Anonymous said...

I can't live without my smartphone- and Sprint is just top drawer, you know? Marrying a Machine? Well,If invited, I'd wear my Green Velvet dress- I assume you'd wear something groovy- White leather?

smilekisses said...

I could read blogs anywhere, every day and at any time.

sksweeps said...

I would use this to take advantage of my time waiting for my daughter at all of her many activities! No more sit and wait, now it would be sit and work, email, productive!

And, what to wear to your wedding? I've got a lovely floral top in shades of blues, greens and purples, paired with a black top underneath and black slacks! Thank goodness black is now ok for weddings!

Jen lleras said...

I would use it on my short lunch breaks at work to stay connected with friends and organize my personal schedual!

Missybeez said...

This would help me keep in touch with clients when I am on the go in my car ,dropping kids off at school or sporting events.

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

I live in a rural area and there are not that many free wi-fi areas, so by using this I would be able to use my laptop and stay connected while on the go. And because I have to many doctor appointments that take 2+ hours one way, it would be great to spend that time on-line and not just sitting twiddling my thumbs while someone else is driving.

What I would wear to your wedding, I would have to go buy something so I have no idea. Sorry.

prpldy (at) comcast dot net

Mommy 2 Bears said...

I have young toddlers and I want to take them to the park after work and/or dinner but there is always follow emails to be sent. I'd love to go to let them play but not drop the ball on business.

KSDallas said...

I love the idea of being able to take my computer anywhere I want and still be able to have access to the internet.

allysona said...


Courtney B said...

this is great for on the go! i have 3 jobs so this would be amazing! i would love to use this when i'm out of town

Anonymous said...

This would be great to stay connected while I'm traveling. I would love to have internet while traveling by car...awesome!

Not sure what I'll wear to the wedding, I'm a late shopper! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sprint's speed keep me connected to family and friends.

Legendj01 said...

Sprint would keep me connected to family and friends. It offers a reliable, fast and convenient way for me to stay connected to my online social life.

To your wedding maybe a slim blue dress.

legendj01 @ gmail dot com

JC said...

We travel a lot, the speed of the Sprint Now Network would be perfect to help staying connected with friends and families.

tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

It would keep me connected when I'm traveling to my relatives' homes where there is NO broadband.

clc408 said...

I'd like to be able to keep up with email while traveling. Can I wear jeans? I hate to dress up!

Tina12312 said...

My husband will be deploying again and this would make it so much easier to keep in touch with him! Thank you!

For your wedding, a light flowing aqua blue dress.

lizvelrene said...

I would use this on road trips for sure, especially a long one I'm planning for later this year. Who needs GPS if you can use the internet! :p

bonggamom said...

We would never get lost again while traveling! And believe me, with my husband's sense of direction, it happens a lot :)

I just got a new purple dress that would look fabulous at your wedding -- but nowhere as fab as you, the bride, of course!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This would really help me keep in touch. I am a college student a town over from where I live and I also help to take care of my grandmother and it seems like I am always away from home doing stuff. This would really help me keep in touch with everybody and vice versa.

I would wear a simple dress that would look good in pictures but not overshadow the bride

Tarah said...

This would be a wonderful way to keep in touch with my sister who lives in Florida. It would also be a great way to keep track of my "to-do" lists, birthdays and other errands I need to run.

I would wear my black and green paseley dress!


Betty N said...

My husband does all the driving so this woud give me the opportunity to get a lot done During this, texting the grandkids, online shopping for presentw for the grandkids,etc. And waiting in doctor's offices would no longer be aggrevating because I couldn't get anything done while I was waitingl

mogrill said...

I would use this in the hotel at Disneyland. We go every year and I ALWAYS have issues with slow internet connection or no connection at all. This would really save me, as I have to do SOME work even during vacation.
Thanks for the chance.

miriama said...

Running back and forth to take care of my father is emotionally and physically exhausting. Keeping in touch with my father's doctors, nurses, accessing his records no matter where I am..these are all important. THIS would help me so much.

Anonymous said...

I would use it to check restaurant reviews when we are out and on the go and to price check items I am considering buying. I would wear a duct tape dress to your wedding btw! Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com

MandyV said...

While traveling, the internet is my lifeline to my family. This would be extremely helpful in facilitating communication with them!


Taylor said...

I could work outside in a park! Or while traveling! The possibilities are endless.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'd love this computer! I travel a lot and having fast interent connection while away would be such a bonus. It looks so copacta nd portable and lightweight. I can see why you love it!

Thanks for the wonderful review!

Susan said...

Being able to work and communicate from any location, without having to worry about a hotspot, would definitely help me stay more organized!

Barbara Bee said...

I love speed, and this device will help me tweet faster. I don't have anything to wear to a wedding, so maybe I'd buy a simple black dress. Is it gauche to wear black to a wedding?

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

latishajean said...

Speed is very inportant you can get more done faster and being connected and having everything together would make thing easier.nice giveaway thanks

h. mcnaron said...

Speed is what I lack. This would help me at work when I have to travel from school to school and I miss calls at the last minute. I end up wasting time and gas in my car for missed lastminute changes. It would be such a help to have a fast reliable network and technology.

chromiumman said...

i'd use this to connect to family when i'm on the road for business

and i'll be wearing a sweet leisure suit, that okay?

chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

Jen @ SecondCitySoiree said...

Being "off the grid" is NOT an option for me! I need to be able to connect even if I'm in the middle of nowhere! My site is going to run itself...

In the spirit of your union, I'm going to wear something nontraditional to your wedding - a dress made out of duct tape, cables, and a bunch of U300s arranged in a flounce. It might get heavy, but I'll surely be VERY well connected. :)

Karina said...

I'd love to give this to my husband for his birthday

Anonymous said...

I get lost in the city pretty often. Making a wrong turn is crucial! I need a speedy way to find directions, Sprint would help me make appointments on time!

TX_Jen34 said...

It would help me by keeping all my info in one place.

becky s said...

Something like this is great for a writer like me, so I can go to a bookstore, coffee shop or library to write & be assured that I have internet access when I need to. Also? Great for traveling. Those airport access points are EXPENSIVE.

Rikk Connelly said...

I'd be able to put down appointments and not go "I forgot" instead of relying on memory. A mom of 3 doesnt' have a memory. lol

sweetsue said...

This would be great for those times when I am stuck waiting in the car or at doctors offices. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I will be the one in the pale yellow dress.
smchester at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would hope to be able to use this while camping at River Forks Park along Lake Lanier in Georgia. I am invited to the wedding? gotta go shopping!

pickledseeds said...

It would help me stay connected with my family while I'm traveling.

momznite said...

If I attend your wedding, I'll be accessorizing my outfit with a camera.
I could use some new technology to help me search for info, make appointments and check email while waiting between chauffeuring.

logger1951 said...

would allow me to keep working while I am on the road for other business

Anonymous said...

It would keep be connected.. esp. while we are camping and would keep me organized for all my daughters sporting events.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Nelsby said...

I do a decent amount of traveling for work. Often, I end up in locations without Wi-Fi...and I truly need access to both my email and the internet in general throughout the day. For me, the Sprint Overdrive would not simply be a luxury. Now that I am aware of it, the Overdrive would be necessity in keeping my connected and organized at a moment's notice...instead of having to wait until I found a hot spot.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! If I were on your guest list, I would definitely wear my perfect little black dress. After losing about 30 pounds, my LBD now looks fabulous :o)

Thank you for this generous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Not sure what Emily Post would advise on what to wear to a human-gadget wedding (are you sure this is legal?) but I guess I'd wear something tasteful but subdued (I don't want to upstage the bride to be!)
AS far as staying organized I love to be connected at the grocery store..I'm the worlds worst impulse shopper and would love to be more organized with recipes, lists and coupons to help me in my poor shopping habits!
I'd Love to stay connected with my friends online someplace other than this ole stuffy office too! I just hope I wouldn't fall as hard as you did..I'm married and I don't think a gadget affair would be wise!

Sky said...

The Sprint Now Network would keep me organized by allowing me to access all of the information I need and giving me that access quickly. As a wife, mom, librarian, student, and blogger...I need all the help I can get and I need to stay connected!

*I'll be wearing some sort of Maxi dress...because it's summer and that's how I roll!*

VickieB said...

I checked out the Sprint site because the modem sounded great. Unfortunately Sprint doesn't have the unrestricted 4G in our area and the 3G would be to restrictive for me to put out additional $$. Until 4G is available in our area, I wouldn't use it.

Nancy said...

I am self employed and work from home so the Now Network would help me keep connected to my clients, especially when I am on the road. It would great to have easy access to the web to respond to emails and solve client issues.

I will be in shorts and a t-shirt...the wedding is on the beach, right:)

Andrea Hatfield said...

This network would help me keep up with my blog while being on the go. Right now I feel like I am trapped in the house if I want to get anything done!

DG said...

this device would make my life easier because I can bring it with me at home, work, or even on casual outings! it would help keep things organized becuase it's so small and convenient! This fabulous speed internet connection would keep in touch with family and friends whenever


fancyfeet48 said...

I would love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway

Unknown said...

Having this would let me update my blog and twitter on the go!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Shooting Stars Mag said...

would be an amazing help when you are at school.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Ravzie said...

I would LOVE to be able to check my email at any time! I worry about important information not received in a timely manner when I am out and about. Thanks.

Princess Golden Hair said...

Sprint high speed mobile internet access would keep me connected and organized. It would allow my PC to be more productive in the comfort of my own home or another remote location like school, the airport, or on vacation. I could submit reports for work, load video and photos, tweet my friends, check my email, update my blog, myspace, and facebook, and so much more.

Brandy said...

I see the speed of the Sprint Now Network™ keeping me connected and organized because I am a blogger for two sites and when I am on the go there is not always reliable coverage for me to post and research.

This Spring Now netowrk would help me get my jobs done faster.

I would wear a one shouldered BCBG bone dress to your wedding!


Melinda said...

I would use this while traveling, it would make it so much easier to stay in touch with family and friends!

Melinda said...

tweeted @melindajoy926

Artistic Cook said...

I'd use it while on the go - waiting, especially...It seems i'm always waiting for something

Artistic Cook said...


JOY said...

It's springtime, so I would use the Sprint Overdrive while out for a walk.

mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com

JOY said...

mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com

dawns41 said...

I see the speed of Now Network helping me to video conference without lag and download or share files awhole lot faster.

Katy said...

I would so love to be connected while on my lunchbreak, while waiting for appointments and all of those other "lost moments" where I feel like time is wasted. How cool it would be to be able to work on email, check out Twitter and Facebook and catch up on phone calls with friends during those times!

I'll be wearing a wireless, uh, err, strapless dress to your wedding!

Thanks for the great review and giveaway!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I just Tweeted about this giveaway here:

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Valancia said...

I think this Sprint Now Network would keep me organized & connected by letting me connect and communicate when I'm out at a relatives or friends house in case I have to hop online for whatever reason and also for my ebay, recipes, networking with others, charts, keeping count of personal things and my sons events and grocery shopping inventory.


Nita said...

This would be great for use with my new netbook, an easy, lightweight way to have internet access.

Anonymous said...

My computer has a very slow modem, so this would help speed my whole life upwhen I;m on the computer! I;d wear a cute sundress.


chlorinebrain said...

It would keep me connected because I would have everything at my fingertips. Numbers, recipes, internet, tv, etc. I run an online ecommerce business & this would really help me with my stores and keeping in touch with my customers when I'm away from home at swim meets with the kids!

Deb Anderson said...

My family is currently having to provide caregiver duties for an ailing parent and it can be difficult at best to keep up with each others' schedules. This would certainly help in that regard. And I have the perfect outfit for your wedding. What is it you ask? Can't tell you. That would spoil the surprise. :)

Tuesday Girl said...

Now that I have gone back to work and 2 kids are in school and the baby with my sister, sprint would make it easier to stay in touch with everyone and maybe even get ahead on my day! I am looking for a new cell carrier and now am really considering Sprint!

Alice said...

i would love to be able to check my emails on the road and i will have to go shopping for the wedding

Shelli said...

stating how you see the speed of the Sprint Now Network™ keeping you connected and organized? And also give an idea as to what you will wear to our wedding!!!
I see the speed of Spring Now Network keeping me connected and organized by keeping me busy and occupied while waiting in lines and using what normally would be wasted time to my advantage. And, I will wear a beautiful new blue dress I just purchased to your wedding :).

bettycd said...

We have 4 drivers and 4 cars in the family now and the Now Network would keep me in contact with anyone having issues. Just last week I had my daughter detoured 'somewhere' on a back road because powerlines were down on the road. She needed someone to get her going on an alt route. The time of stopping at the gas station to ask directions sends chills up your spine when its your daughter who needs the directions.

Trisha D said...

ah. i have terrorizing twin teens, this would help me with all the pick up and dates i have to take them!! i depend on coffee shops to have wifi, and where i work, ours is always down!!!

Erin from Long Island said...

I prefer to be outside as much as possible in the nice weather. Having internet access in my backyard would be great!

fluggy said...

The speed of the Sprint Now Network would give me more time to spend with my family and stay well connected.

Shawn said...

The speed of the network would give me more freedom and free time to spend with my family.


intime said...

How would the Sprint Now Network™ help keep you connected and organized?

By having everything at my fingertips

~JEWEL~ said...

I live in a somewhat remote area and we travel a long ways to get anywhere!! So having this would help me in being able to use my computer while on the road (Hubby driving of course!) Also I travel a LOT so airports and hotels are places I see often and this would be great to have to end all the fees that wrack-up !

AND for what to wear to your wedding. Well I like pants so some lovely cream colored pants and a nice springy blouse! COngrats

Janette said...

I’ll be doing a lot of traveling in the next few months. It would be great to be able to use it in car on long trips and in the airport!

Erica C. said...

Having that kind of speed on the go with me would be amazing. I could keep up with receipts, payments, errands, etc. at the exact moment when it happens, instead of hoping I remember it later.
I'd have to wear a cape to the show that the speed of Sprint is as fast as a super hero? haha!

Kidazy said...

Being a freelance designer I work out of my home and it sort of limits me to where I can go and what I can do, I would absolutely love the freedom to work and move around without being tied down to this darn desk!

As for weddings I always go with nice sundresses :D

amysweepstake at

Mari said...

This would be great while waiting at the airport, especially since I live in a region where it snows quite a bit and flights often get delayed due to inclement weather. As to what I am wearing to your wedding---um if I was invited I would not wear white. I recently went to a wedding and one of the guests, who was upset because she was not a bridesmaid- wore a white wedding type of dress--tacky!

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I think that the speed will make it that much easier to use the internet on the go. You can use it to comparison shop on the spot, find a restaurant, get directions, email, text, and as a phone and all at super fast reliable speeds!!
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I currently use Virgin Mobile and am not very happy with them. I have a pay-as-you-go service with them, which I do like, but the available features and phones are sorely lacking. I think that if I switched to Sprint, I would be very happy indeed. Speed is very important to me at my home PC for internet and communications. Why should it not matter for my cellphone? hmmm lots to think about. Could really change my life in a lot of ways.
nynekats at aol dot com

Miriam T. said...

I've been wanting to be able to stay online while on the go but haven't been able to find the right product yet. This seems like it would give me just what I need!

Lily said...

I am currently at college 1500 miles from home. The internet connection here is terrible, so the Sprint Now Network would let me finally be able to video chat with my family!

Unknown said...

Since so many Sprint phones allow users to sync up their schedules, my husband and I could share both of our calendars easily.

No more post-it notes everywhere!

klamanuzzi at gmail dot com

Laurah said...

I travel a lot and internet service can be spotty. The Now Network would be perfect for keeping in touch while away.

Katherine M said...

The Sprint Now Network would help me stay connected to my family during the long days that I am watching my nephew at my sister's house. They have no internet.

Unknown said...

It would allow me to check/respond to emails, post on Facebook, upload pictures, entertain my son while waiting somewhere, and to read reviews/compare prices while shopping.


Cookin' Canuck said...

I often travel 30 to 60 minutes away from home to go to meetings for work, but have no way to access the internet while away from home. It would be a great way to keep in touch with my kids' teachers, my other clients, and to publish comments on my blog. What a great device!

cookincanuck at hotmail dot com

Miss_Lori said...

Ohhh you make me want to stray. I am having such difficulties in my relationship with my AT&T aircard. We just aren't connecting as well as we once did. We do communicate as well. He doesn't share information with me when I ask him to. he makes me wait, and wait. I read about your relationship with your Sprint stud and I feel excited. Dangerously so. But I promise I will behave at your wedding. I won't wear anything tacky, just techy.



Unknown said...

We are all over the place- seriously- so this would be wonderful- in the car, in Starbucks, while shopping, while visiting, while gardening, volunteering, etc.
Traveling- especially in the airport.
Coordinating our schedules- the list is endless

Hotsnotty2 said...

I travel often for my job and I run into so much down time, I would love this awesome device to help keep me entertained and to help me stay in contact with my friends, family and co-workers! I would wear a beautiful yellow flowery dress and some white high heels! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Right now, I only have a tracphone....I can't text, I can't check my email, nothing. I'd love to be able to keep up to date with my twitter and facebook and especially my email.

gertieguest said...

This would help to keep in touch with family and friends.

Unknown said...

This device would help me stay in touch with friends and family at all times, in many different ways, and help me have information readily available to me when I need it.

shopgurl101 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...


shopgurl101 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...


shopgurl101 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

The speed and mobility will give me the chance to stay connected to the net while camping woohoo.

Janet and Maya said...

How would the Sprint Now Network™ help keep you connected and organized?

The calendar and reminder features would keep me on time!

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Meet the Browns said...

This will help me stay in touch with friends and family by allowing me to send pictures and videos quickly around the country!


vegan4life said...

great while traviling ty.

Barbarawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbarawr said...

It would help me keep my sanity when my kids have a 1/2 hour lesson somewhere that isn't close enough to anything else to run errands. I can make lists on paper, but that doesn't really help because I KNOW that emails are piling up at home. It would be nice to be able to have high-speed at these times!

I'll surprise you with what I'm going to wear to your wedding. OK, OK - the truth. It depends what my weight is doing what I'll be able to wear. :-)

Anne said...

The Sprint network could help keep me organized because I could get work done while I wait for my kids to finish dance/piano/soccer lessons.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

Having the speed of sprint would save me so much time that I could use doing other more important things, like playing with my son!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

js22 said...

I could use the internet anywhere with my laptop and check my email more often!

I’m currently unemployed and job-hunting, so I am always hoping for an email that is setting up an interview or telling me I’ve got the job!

At home I have dial-up internet, which obviously takes a lot more time! I’d love to have high speed internet to use in my home. I’d have more time to do things like clean and garden!

It would be great when I am meeting a friend somewhere too. Instead of sitting there for the half hour that she's late, I could be doing something productive like reading emails or entering giveaways!

Thanks for the giveaway!

I have two other weddings to attend this summer, so it'll be whatever I buy for those that I'd wear to your wedding!

A said...

I'm a very on-the-go mom. And with three in kindergarten, two of which have immunocompromised systems, I need to be available via phone with their school at ANYTIME! Also, my husband is ill and unemployed, basically unable to leave the house, so I need him to be able to contact me while I am out and about. My phone is vital!!

Depending on the wedding, I'd wear a simple pair of slacks and a nice blouse. Nothing to bright. ;)

THANK YOU! alisonad23 at gmail dot com

ladcraig said...

Right now I have a pay-as-you-go phone for emergencies. This would allow me to chat and connect with family and friends. Not sure about the wedding clothes. :)

Ladcraig @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

It would help me so much with my hectic work schedule

Anonymous said...

With 3 kids and a part-time job, I would love a faster network

Janice said...

I love weddings!!! Can I wear a spring dress??? Sprint ..I have 2 teens.You have to have something quick and with plenty of coverage to keep up with those2.

Amy delong said...

I would love this,I just started my own business&this could be very helpful for me!
As for the wedding idk,I have to go shopping for an awesome dress!


Betty C said...

The Sprint Now network would keep me connected while I am trying to learn to blog. My big blocks of time a taken up with my "must do" things like cooking, cleaning and the job. But those waiting in line minutes, or waiting to see the doctor, now I can see a big increase in my productivity!
As for the wedding - silver satin seems appropriate.

carolpie said...

Congrats on your wedding! I would wear my long green dress with matching jacket. It's very pretty, but we know you will be the star of the show, as well you should!

This would be fantastic because some days I travelw ith my husband all day driving for work and I could be in touch with my kids this way! Wonderful!

Sonya said...

I spend my life sitting in my car, waiting to pick up my kids from karate, school, piano, etc. With the Sprint Now Network I could actually get work done while I waited!

As far as the wedding goes, nothing fits me right now except maternity clothes, so it would be interesting to find something to wear!

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