Initiated in 2007, "Healthier, Happier, You" (and a year later "Healthier, Happier, You Reviews") has interacted with the global community and business world at large.
"Healthier, Happier, You" spear-headed a charitable mission to bring awareness to Pastor Jonah's Missions
Dwana De La Cerna, author and proprietor, hosted "Bob Brunch" Tweetup with the The Wildfire Restaurant. This, one of the first of its kind, brought together Chicago-area bloggers and social media moguls for food and fun.
A collaborative effort with Chevy, Connie Burke of General Motors, and The Frances Xavier Warde Schools produced a "Chevy Missions" Tweetup, and mission, that transported Chicago-area middle school children to a disadvantaged school where they mentored and assisted an Afterschool Program.
Dwana has hosted a few more tweetups with The WildFire Restaurant and writes for a local, Chicago based online media magazine.
Contact her at Houseonahill at Houseonahill . org